To achieve one of the styles for a widget (see below) use the simple classes. Enter the selected class name to “Custom widget classes” field as pointed below.

Default widget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia pulvinar nisi, sed gravida purus. Suspendisse vel libero arcu. In eu dui in nisi laoreet varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam turpis lacus.

Color background 1

Widget class: pe-color1

To change the color for the background go to Theme Options -> Colors -> Widgets

Color background 2

Widget class: pe-color2

To change the color for the background go to Theme Options -> Colors -> Widgets

Color background 3

Widget class: pe-color3

To change the color for the background go to Theme Options -> Colors -> Widgets

Color background 4

Widget class: pe-color4

To change the color for the background go to Theme Options -> Colors -> Widgets

Color background 5

Widget class: pe-color5

To change the color for the background go to Theme Options -> Colors -> Widgets

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Color Customizer

Color Customizer

More configuration settings (for fonts, widgets etc.) available at the back-end.

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