Image Borders

<img class="pe-img-polaroid" src="" alt="Typography" />
<img class="pe-img-rounded" src="" alt="Typography" />
<img class="pe-img-circle" src="" alt="Typography" />


This is Heading One (h1)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

This is Heading Two (h2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

This is Heading Three (h3)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

This is Heading Four (h4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

This is Heading Five (h5)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

This is Heading Six (h6)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris convallis porta lacinia bibendum felis.

Numered blocks

<p class="pe-block"><span class="pe">01</span>Text goes here</p>

01Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

02Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

03Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

<p class="pe-block second"><span class="pe">a</span>Text goes here</p>

aLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

bLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

cLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra leo sed turpis convallis sit amet condimentum diam vehicula. Morbi suscipit nisl odio, nec sodales tellus. Aenean quis sapien suscipit mauris.

Colored blocks

this is a paragraph with the class “green
<p class="green"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “blue
<p class="blue"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “orange
<p class="orange"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “red
<p class="red"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pe-success
<p class="pe-success"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pe-info
<p class="pe-info"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pe-warning
<p class="pe-warning"> Text goes here </p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pe-alert
<p class="pe-alert"> Text goes here </p>

Quote blocks

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.</p>
<small>John Doe</small>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

John Doe

<blockquote class="pull-right">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.</p>
<small>John Doe</small>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

John Doe

Icon blocks

this is a paragraph with the class “pebadge
<p class="pebadge"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pecalendar
<p class="pecalendar"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pechat
<p class="pechat"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pecheck
<p class="pecheck"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pecloud
<p class="pecloud"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pedirection
<p class="pedirection"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pedivide
<p class="pedivide"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “peerror
<p class="peerror"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pefire
<p class="pefire"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “peflag
<p class="peflag"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “peheart
<p class="peheart"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pehome
<p class="pehome"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “peinfo
<p class="peinfo"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pelist
<p class="pelist"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pemail
<p class="pemail"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pepeople
<p class="pepeople"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pestar
<p class="pestar"> Text goes here</p>

this is a paragraph with the class “pestat
<p class="pestat"> Text goes here</p>

Unordered lists

Default list
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
This is a list with the class "pe-arrow"
Enter the class name to ul tag </p>
<ul class="pe-arrow">
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
This is a list with the class "pe-arrow2"
Enter the class name to ul tag </p>
<ul class="pe-arrow2">
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      • Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum

Ordered lists

Default list
  1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
This is a list with the class "pe-roman"
Enter the class name to ol tag </p>
<ol class="pe-roman">
  1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
This is a list with the class "pe-alpha"
Enter the class name to ol tag </p>
<ol class="pe-alpha">
  1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
  3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
    2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      1. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      2. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum
      3. Duis tincidunt nunc sit amet ipsum

Other styles

Offcanvas button

<a class="toggle-nav menu"><span class="fa fa-navicon" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>

Read more button
This is a read more link with the class “readmore”

<a class="readmore" href="#"> Read more </a>

Read more

Default button
This is a link with the class “button”

<a class="button" href="#"> Button </a>


Font Awesome

All available font Awesome icons

Example of usage

Example of usage :

<span class="fa fa fa-adjust"></span>

<span class="fa fa fa-adjust fa-4x"></span>

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Color Customizer

Color Customizer

More settings (for fonts, widgets etc.) available in theme options.

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